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build up意思
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  • 建立,增进,振兴,改进,积累,扩大
  1. enlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages;

    "build up your savings"

  2. form or accumulate steadily;

    "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"
    "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"

  3. prepare oneself for a military confrontation;

    "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"
    "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"

  4. bolster or strengthen;

    "We worked up courage"
    "build up confidence"
    "ramp up security in the airports"

  5. change the use of and make available or usable;

    "develop land"
    "The country developed its natural resources"
    "The remote areas of the country were gradually built up"

If youbuild up something or if itbuilds up, it gradually becomes bigger, for example because more is added to it.

e.g. The regime builtup the largest army in Africa...
e.g. The collection has been builtup over the last seventeen years...

If youbuild someoneup, you help them to feel stronger or more confident, especially when they have had a bad experience or have been ill.

e.g. Build herup with kindness and a sympathetic ear...
e.g. Dr. Johnson and I have been trying tobuild himup physically.

If youbuild someone or somethingup, you make them seem important or exciting, for example by talking about them a lot.

e.g. The media will report on it and the tabloids willbuild itup...
e.g. Historians built himup as the champion of parliament...

1. 建立:我不要剥夺你思考的权利.注:诡论(paradox)的产生,通常表示当时所要表达的概念,并没有建立完成,例如 罗素诡论之於集合论.上面龟兔赛跑的例子,若考虑时间的级数兔子就可以在有限时间内追上乌龟极限观念的建立(buildup)是在十六世纪.

2. 逐步建立:bringup 教育,培养 |buildup 逐步建立 | burst into tears 突然哭起来

3. 增进:bringup养育 |buildup增进 | call for要求

4. 积累:bringup=教育,培养,使成长 |buildup== 积累 | burn out=烧掉

"build up"的基本信息





